Thursday, November 20, 2008

Versed, Zofran and new best friends!

I am home from surgery. Everything went smoothly. Unfortunately, I didn't get to speak to the doctor after surgery, but he told Mike that everything went really well and that I was doing just fine. I am going to assume that the surgery was successful. I will try to call the office today to see if I can get a straight answer as to whether or not he was able to open up my tubes.

I feel ok. My lower abdomen is a lot more sore than I thought it would be. It feels like someone punched me about 20 times down there. Thankfully the darvocet is working. I've got quite a few bruises on my belly too but that's not too bad and it was expected. I didn't sleep great because of the soreness and the fact that I had to pee about 20 times, but I see a lot of naps in my near future. Clovis hospital is wonderful. All the staff was excellent and very friendly...they even gave me a small bouquet of flowers when I left! I thought that was really sweet. If they had an NICU there, I would gladly deliver our baby there (someday soon hopefully). St-Agnes has gotten so ghetto, I mean seriously, last week, someone actually did some graffiti on the bathroom wall with a sharpie. Come on!

I will post more news when I have some. I will now try to call the Dr's office.



Anonymous said...

i'm so glad it went well- hopefully, by now, you've talked w/the office... i'm sure he would have told mike if he weren't able to open those tubes... just hurry up and get better so you can resume sex-fest!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Gees Lily did you have to put it that way? Sex-fest.....lllooolll


melanie said...

Lily is right, that's what we call it here. I actually write it on the calendar "sexfest week"