Thursday, July 9, 2009

25 weeks

I went to my OB appointment today. Again, everything is perfect. Blood pressure is textbook (120/70), baby has a great heart rate and moves around like crazy and I've only gained 2 pounds since the last appointment which apparently is just fine. So that's ten pounds total since the beginning of the pregnancy which baffles me because I feel huge and I'm eating constantly. I have a lot of small meals because this kid is already pretty long and she likes to hang out by my stomach so that I get full really fast (even faster than before). My uterus measures 28 weeks! I seriously think we are going to have a tall, lanky kid...just like her dad! The only concern my OB has is that my hemoglobin is low. Well, it's been low for the last at least 5 years. I usually run between 7 and 9 and it was 7.7 so of course, he put me on another different kind of iron and this one I have to take 3 times a day...crazy. I think I need to buy stock in colace from here on hahaha. So that's what's new. I will try to post belly pics tonight or tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah more pics, more pics!!!