Saturday, December 26, 2009

I don't want to go to sleep mom

Sammie's first big girl shower

She loved it and it's so much easier for mommy

Xmas 2009

Sam spent most of Xmas eve knocked out asleep. I think she got a lot of stimulation and it tired her out

Milk drunk...notice the big drop of milk in the corner of her mouth

Sooooo wasted

My beautiful sleeping Christmas baby

Thanks for my bouncy chair Grandma Carolyn! I love it!!

I think she's flipping me off for putting that hat on her head

I'm sooo funny

My first doll!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boob juice

Sorry, but I need to vent because I'm getting frustrated

Sam is an excellent breastfeeder and has been since the day she was born but for the last few weeks, it seems like I can't satisfy her hunger at all.She breastfeeds for 10-15 minutes on each side and seems like she is satisfied but within 5 minutes she has a fit and acts like she hasn't eaten in hours. Sometimes she even gets really upset while she is breastfeeding as if nothing is coming out. I just don't know what to do. It is very frustrating and it feels like I can't satisfy my child's hunger. The only time that she seems satisfied after feeding is in the middle of the night. That's actually the only time that my breasts feel full and it's usually because it's been 4-4.5hrs since she last fed instead of 2-3hrs. I've been taking Fenugreek to help increase my milk production and I pump after her feedings (most of them...sometimes I can't) to make sure that I am completely empty so that my body knows to make more milk. When I pump after feeding her, I barely get 10-15cc so I know that she empties me out when she feeds. I know breast is best (and easier), but I want her to be happy and not feel like she is starving all the time.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I still love my swing

This is what Sam does about 5 minutes after getting in the swing. The first 5 minutes she talks to herself in the mirror above her on the mobile and then she falls asleep

I'm 2 months old!

2 months old!

Boy time sure flies. I can't believe she is already 2 months old. We went to see the pediatrician yesterday for her 2 month appointment. Little chunk is hitting all her milestones perfectly. She is now 11lbs 12oz and almost measures 23in. She loves to talk and smile and is trying really hard to blow raspberries. Sammie got her first immunizations yesterday. The look on her face when that needle went in totally broke my heart. She only cried a little and was fine until we got home and she woke up. I could tell she was not feeling well because I have never seen her that upset to where I could not soothe her for anything. A little tylenol and gripe water and a long nap and she was back to her normal self. We are now starting crib training. She is really good at taking her naps in the big crib as long as she has her rockabye baby lullabies going but at night she is still wanting to sleep in mommy's room (in her bassinet). Otherwise she is terrific. I still can't believe she is mine and I can't believe how flippin' cute she is. I'm sure it will hit someday.

I will post a 2 month picture when little miss wakes up from her nap.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Go Habs Go!

This swaeter was hand knitted by my awesome coworker Mary Z...can you believe it!? She doesn't even use a pattern...crazy! It's nice and soft and fits Sam just perfectly. Thank you sooooo much Mary!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Play time!

Looks like she's crying but she's just laughing really loudly

The cutest grin ever!

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to entertain a 6 week old. She seems to get bored so easily. I tried out this play mat and she seems to really like it. If anybody has ideas, let me know. She likes the swing and reading books, but her attention span is only for so long. Loves being talked to...she will talk back and smile a ton, it's so awesome.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm 1 month old today!!

I'm mad because someone ate my cupcake!

Too tired to eat my cupcake. Too much one month old birthday partying. Hopefully it'll be there when i wake up

I still can't believe that it has already been a month since Samantha joined our family. I still remember peeing on the stick and seeing that faint little pink line. She is an awesome baby. Only cries when she needs something. She is hitting all her milestones. She is a lot more alert, she talks...well coos, she laughs and squeals. She smiles at us. She follows us around the room with her big beautiful blue eyes. She is such a cool kid. Here are some pictures. Of course, she had a 1 month birthday cupcake ;)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I love my swing!!

Thank Goodness for this swing. It allows me to do so much more and Sammie loves it. She falls asleep in it in no time and when she is awake in the swing, she likes to talk to the little lambs on the mobile. I even vacuumed around her while she was sleeping in there and she didn't even budge!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Totally passed out after some trick or treating. We only went to a couple of neighbors' houses just to show Sam off in her cute black kitty costume and it wore her out. Too cute!

Sam's First Tub Bath!

All better in her racing pj's!

That wasn't so bad after all!

I love love love my hair washed

Yup that's a birth mark on my bum!

This is soooo much better than a sponge bath

Last weekend Sam's umbilical stump finally fell off so we were able to give her a tub bath and she loved it! I can't seem to post pictures in the correct order so they are backward but oh well, at least I posted them! She loves her tub bath, absolutely adores getting her hair washed but really hates coming out of the tub. I have to wrap her up super quickly in her cozy towel or she gets really p.o.'d. Once the whole thing is done, we are a happy girl again.

She is 2 weeks old now and so totally amazing. She has really awake times that she just loves to look around at everything and talk and dance. We call it dance party USA time. She will just lay there on her blanket between Mike and I and talk away. She also loves to talk while she is breastfeeding and cracks me up everytime. It's like she goes "num num num num" when she eats. Completely adorable. She is not a big cryer. Only cries when she really needs something. We go for walks everyday when Mike gets home from work and she loves it. She just looks around at her whole surroundings. She loves to be constantly moving. If she's fussy, we just have to walk around with her and she's fine. She really is a good baby.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


My friend Lily gave me the best surprise ever!

2 days before my schedule c-section, Lily and I were text messaging and she was saying how she had looked at flights to come and be with us on the day of delivery but that it would be impossible for her to do. I told her that it was totally fine...she has beautiful twin baby boys that need her and I would never have expected her to come for the delivery. Well, my c-section goes as planned and just as they are getting me all cozy and comfortable in my post partum room, in comes Lily! Of course, the tears start flowing. I still can't believe that she flew in from Kansas just to share in our special day. I really wish I wasn't hospitalized at the time so that I could have spent more time with her but it was such an amazing surprise. I will never forget that day!

Thank you Lily for being an amazing friend!