Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Woo freakin Hoo!

I had my second hcg level drawn this morning. I was so afraid that it would be lower and that I would have a miscarriage but far from it. My level last week was 389 and this week it's 4528!!! From what i've read, your hcg level is supposed to double every couple of days and I'm way over that so I'm happy.

This next week is gonna drive me nuts. I really wish I could find out now how many I've got in there grrrrrrr

Monday, February 23, 2009


Talked to Dr. Synn's office today. I go for another hcg level on wednesday (not today like I thought) and then on March 4th, we have our first ultrasound!! So excited. I cannot wait to see our little sea monkey!

The nausea is still very much there. Comes in waves and it doesn't really matter what time of day it is. Going to the race track last weekend was not a good idea. The fatigue really hit me on thursday night and all the smells at the track did not help the nausea at all. I think i might have to stop going to races until the nausea is gone. I hate doing that because I really enjoy going to the races, but it's really not that much fun when you feel like you want to puke the whole time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good Beta

After being snowed in for 2 days, I was totally going crazy. I really wanted to get my lab work done. I wanted more proof than 3 pee sticks that I was pregnant. So finally tonight, I went to work early and had my lab work done and it's really really true! My beta hcg (the hormone that your body secretes when you are pregnant) was positive and absolutely in the correct range. My beta was 389.8 which is in the normal range for a pregnancy in it's 4th week. Dr. Synn's office said that I have to go and get another level drawn on monday to make sure that my beta value is going up at the correct rate. I really want to know how many I've got growing in there (eventhough I have a strong feeling taht it's just one...which is totally fine with me) I don't think that I will be having an ultrasound until the 6th or 7th week.

I will let you know what happens!

Still soooooo excited

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh yeah, I'm pregnant

So we were able to get out of the driveway today. Went and got more pregnancy tests and oh yeah, they were all positive. I took 2 more. One showed a faint plus sign and the other one was a digital test and it is supposed to take 3-5 minutes before something appears in the window but the word "pregnant" popped up within a few seconds!!!

I still want a blood test, but now I feel 10 times better knowing that 2 more test (different brands) were positive.

So so so so so excited!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Faint pink line! Faint pink line!

So I totally cheated. I just couldn't wait any longer. I actually tested on wednesday and it was negative and then this morning I decided I would test again and there was a faint pink line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to have my husband check to make sure that I wasn't seeing things. Especially after seeing so many negative ones, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I will call Dr. Synn's office in the morning and find out where we go from here. We want to do a couple more tests, but I'm all out and we are snowed in so we have to wait until morning. But there definitely was a pink line! I still can't believe it. We are so excited that we couldn't wait any longer and told everyone already. Hope that doesn't jinx us. I'm just glad that all the nausea I've been feeling wasn't all in my head. I thought that maybe I was going crazy or something.

So that's what's going on now. I will let everybody know again when I have positive confirmation via a blood test. I believe my projected due date (according to my handy dandy EDC wheel from work) is October 24th!

Stay tuned for absolute confirmation