Sunday, May 31, 2009

Get ready for Pink!

So, I'm at work right now and one of our doctors was nice enough to do an ultrasound on me again to really determine the sex of this baby and we definitely saw vagina. So it really is a girl! Get the pink and lavender and ribbons and fairies ready for this little baby girl with long legs. I wish I could post pictures but the ultrasound machine for some reason is printing really dark pictures and we really can't see anything.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This is so our kid

Well, we finally went for our ultrasound yesterday. First and foremost, everything looks great! Baby is growing right on time, all the parts are there, placenta is in the right spot and my cervix is closed. Then comes the time to find out the sex of this dear child. Well, of course, because we really want to know, this kid would not give up the money shot! We saw everything, kidneys, bladder, lips nose eyes, heart, spine, hands, feet...but no little boy parts nor girl parts grrrrrr. The baby is sitting breech almost right on my cervix with legs crossed underneath so that all we saw was butt and feet. The kid would not cooperate at all. Stubborn like her mother according to Mike hahaha. Thing is, since we didn't see any parts at all, the ultrasound tech said that if she were to tell us the sex, she would say it is most definitely a girl...she's 90% sure that it is a girl. When she did move her legs a little, we still didn't see any dangly parts so that's what makes the tech think that it's a girl. I agree with her. Usually when it's a boy, it's pretty obvious. There was nothing at all, so we are saying girl. It was actually funny because she was moving her mouth constantly like she was talking to us and Mike said "Oh yeah, it must be a girl, look at her yacking away already" hahaha. We are going for a 4D ultrasound at the end of July and hopefully it will confirm our girl. The tech was really nice, she said that since I work there, that I could come and see her anytime and if she's not busy, she will take another look to see if we can get the money shot. She did print some pictures for us but they are not very good...not clear at all. So lavender and pink it is! I think I'm gonna keep the tags on everything just in case. Now let the name choosing battle begin!

Oh and my mom is asking me for belly pictures because I have most definitely popped out now. I will try to do so asap. We are going to Disneyland next week so I'm sure we will have pictures then. Of course, I won't be doing any rides that I am not supposed to do. I will be the backpack holder and will be doing some shopping! I can't wait!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

16 weeks tomorrow!

I can't believe how fast this is going! I went to my 16 week appointment today and everything is fine. I've only gained 2 pounds which baffles me because I feel like I've gained about 10-15. My blood pressure was terrific (as always). My uterus is the perfect size for 16 weeks and the little monkey's heart rate is perfect. He/she was moving around when she was trying to get the heart was kinda funny. Our kid is already like Mike and I...stubborn. I just hope that he/she is not too stubborn when we go for our next ultrasound because we really want to find out the sex. Our next ultrasound is May 27th so hopefully we'll be able to make the announcement on that day.

Not much else to discuss really. Oh, I did start to feel some little flutters. It is the coolest, but weirdest feeling ever. I love it. It's especially at night and after I've had something sugary. I can't wait for Mike to be able to feel it too.