Gift opening (her mouth is black from the black frosting of her Mickey cake)
Loves this Dinosaur riding toy. She dances to the songs and pushed that thing around the house. Thank you Nina Hayley and Nino Justin!
Face de pette (stinker face) She is having a blast! Doesn't even care that daddy put tissue paper in her diaper
Gotta love the naked baby that is still wearing socks and shoes
Yup, our little girl is already a year old. Time sure flies. We had a nice birthday party for Samantha. We had it at a lovely park in Harlan Ranch (new housing development) where Hayley and Leslie both have awesome houses. Samantha has really been into Mickey Mouse lately so that was the theme for her party. I made a bunch of food that the stupid flies seemed to enjoy as much as we did. I think Samantha had a really good time. She was extremely spoiled by all. It was so amazing to see how loved Samantha is. It was very touching. I got a little emotional when everyone was singing Happy Birthday to our sweet girl. She was in a great mood all day long. She toughed it out the whole day on just a short nap. I was really proud of her. Of course, she crashed on the way home. All in all I think it was a fun first birthday for our big girl. Note to frosting is not a great idea with a toddler hahaha. I was really surprised when it came out of our clothes. We did the birthday cake before presents so that is why Sam is just in a diaper for her gift opening. She also got to beat on her mickey pinata that her Godfather Justin got for her. I think Leslie had more fun beating on it than the kids did hahaha.
Samantha is doing so well. She is getting very tall. She is walking everywhere!! She started walking at 11 months. She still looks like a drunk penguin when she walks (especially when she's trying to go to fast) but we think that is adorable. She still loves to dance. As soon as she hears music, she starts to dance. She even head bangs when she hears hard rock. So stinkin' cute. She has been very affectionate lately, kissing and hugging us and all her toys all the time. She still eats pretty much anything. Some days she is picky but the next day she's fine. She has a lot of personality and lets us know when she wants something or when we are doing something she doesn't want us to do. She is very vocal (shocker hahahaha) and talks constantly. She is a very busy baby. Keeps us on our toes that's for sure.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
mon dieu qu'elle a grandit... on dirait qu'elle et Liam ont le même ti-nez...
belle pupuce...
I adore the pictures, she is just too cute!
Grandma C
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